Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good morning everyone,

I'm running a slight fever since yesterday; grandma says it normal for growing another tooth. It really is uncomfortable, I can't eat as well as I used to, and the fever is making my body real warm. - Daddy says I'm already so hot now, can't imagine how stunning I would be when I grow older.

It was so uncomfortable that I cried last night at around 4 AM, mummy came to my rescue and hold me in her arms, she hum a comforting tune and assure me everything is going to be alright until 5 AM. Thank you mummy. I love you.

Morning came and mummy gave me half a capsule of Indinine, telling me it would help ease my discomfort and help me feel better faster. It did, great-grandma commented that when she first saw me in the morning, I looked so lifeless, but by mid morning I was back to my normal self. (My appetite didn't resume 100% though) Thank you Indinine.

Tonight is much better, mummy and daddy are asleep now and daddy was so tired that he hit the bed right after dinner at 8 PM! Mummy just went to bed around 1 AM after tucking me in my cod (or she thinks so... hee).

My temperature is still slightly high, but I feel fine, so feeling bored, and just surfing around (wait tills daddy finds out I am playing with his new notebook ^_^)

I found this article and video on "WORMS" in your bowels!

Life cycle - Infection with the adult worm is acquired by the ingestion of raw, poorly cooked, or pickled salmon, trout, perch, pike, white fish, grayling, ruff, eel etc., harbouring the plerocercoid larvae.

After 5 or 6 weeks, the larvae mature to the adult worm. Both eggs and proglottids are pass in the stools.

The eggs developed in 2 weeks and hatch to become ciliated coracidium larvae, and are ingested by the 1st intermediate host, the copepod.

The copepod, containing the plerocercoid larvae, are ingested by fish, the 2nd intermediate host, contains the plerocercoid larvae.

Now watch this video of a real parasitic worm trying not to be stirred out of someone's bowels...

Parasites can even become "mineralized" and block your body's ability to absorb nutrition properly!

These little critters are no joke! They are DEADLY!

Not only can they hurt you while they are alive inside your guts, but they can die and then become mineralized (just like a fossil!) and cause painful swelling, blockages and other harmful things.

In the majority of patients, the worm will have degenerated and is no longer identifiable.

O. apiostomum is approximately 1 cm long and 0.3mm thick.

O. stephanostomum is about twice this size. When the worm dies, it curls up and is eventually mineralized (calcified) and becomes visible radiographically.

In the tropics, the tissues of many patients contain mineralized worms and eggs, and Oesphagostomum cannot be distinguished from any other mineralized parasites.

Extracted from TMCR:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Viral Beauty Campaign - Dove Self-Esteem Fund

Extracted from TrendHunter:

“Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does,” is the new slogan Dove is using to promote their Self-Esteem Fund. This disturbing clip shows hypothetical beauty through the eyes of a young girl. Bombarded with unattainable media standards today, these are the images Dove thinks young girls, and even women, hold as ideals. The ad by Ogilvy Toronto goes through images of cosmetic surgery, eating disorders and obsession with exercise in an effort to show that all these approaches to attaining “beauty” are unnatural. The cosmetics company hopes to remind women that true beauty comes from embracing the woman you were born: bulges, spots, wrinkles and all.

Every day, young girls across the country face overwhelming pressure to conform to a narrow definition of beauty. Today, the Dove Self-Esteem Fund brought together a venerated group of experts in the fields of media literacy and self-esteem for the first-ever Self-Esteem Summit to discuss those pressures and how moms and other female mentors can equip girls to face them. The panelists also helped the Dove Self-Esteem Fund to launch a new collection of tools and resources created to help positively affect the self-esteem of girls across the country - including a new web site, new viral films and a pilot peer mentorship program in a Toronto-area high school. (newswire)

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